Monday, September 03, 2007


We've had a full weekend. We helped Nick and Stacie move on Saturday and yesterday after our Sunday School picnic we took the kids to the pool. On the ride home we had to hear Avery say, "Am I gonna get a spankin' a'cause I threw a rock at that truck?" Um.......

Today we are pretty lazy. Doing some cleaning but mostly lazy.

Lauren and Daddy practicing math

Avery is painting again. She believes the more paint...the better!

This is from a couple of nights ago. Sullivan loves matchbox cars. He'll play with them for hours.


Melanie said...

It will only be a short time before Lauren knows more math then me...if she already doesn't!

Andrea Dellit said...

very cute...i just love your kids! And you and your husband are pretty swell, too :-)