Sunday, September 16, 2007


It amazes me how Sully can go along for a week or two at a time and we will see little change and then overnight its like we have a new kid. At the Renaissance Festival Sully refused to be carried or ride in the stroller, he wanted to walk and hold our hands. When we got to Joe's he was a walking fool. Walking everywhere without holding on. Today for the first time I would say that walking was close to being his primary mode of transportation. This is so huge! There have been times when I really never thought we would get here. Please continue to pray for increased strength and confidence for Sully. I am praising God for miracles tonight and of course - just as Sully is really moving - I cant hold on tight enough.


Anonymous said...

go sully!!!

Heather said...

Isn't it amazing that with every bit of independence they gain we want to hang on just a bit tighter and keep them a bit closer? So glad he is on the move!!

Andrea Dellit said...

Congrats!!! Go, Sully, Go!!!!

Great pic of you two!

Shannon/Jodi said...

What an awesome picture. Soon you will be lamenting how hard it is to keep up with him! Don't you wish they could stay little forever? Maybe that's why we keep having more...?