Saturday, September 29, 2007


Jordan was gone at a conference all week and on Thursday the little two and I packed up and headed to DSM to stay with him. We had a lot of fun in the pool but no opportunities to take any pictures.

We tried to do a photo session outside our restaurant but of course Sully wanted nothing to do with Avery.

Jordan has been having some issues with one of his eyes. He went back to the eye dr. on Friday afternoon and had the eye dialated again - he was having fun freaking me out with this scary look.

We had a Praying Mantis on our window all day on Friday. The kids had a lot of fun watching it.

1 comment:

Andrea Dellit said...

nice look, Jordan. Maybe you should "wear that" for Halloween...better yet, maybe like mom's always said "keep doing that and you'll get stuck that way!"