Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bedtime prayers...

Tonight the girls prayers included:
Lauren: asking Jesus to keep her baby sister healthy and that she would smile and laugh at her someday soon.

Avery: thanking Jesus for her birthday presents and that her 'friends' played with her at her party - well just for a little bit anyway. prayer #2 was for Lauren's back to stop hurting (Lauren has had a back ache all day - I seriously blame the Wii!)

Prayer time is my favorite time of day. I love getting to see what is on their hearts as they talk to Jesus. Lauren NEVER forgets to mention my dad and to tell Jesus that she is anxious to see him and Jesus someday in heaven. It brings tears to my eyes every night. Avery's prayers are often comical but always sweet and heart felt. Tonight when she was finished she said, Oh mommy! I forgot to ask Jesus to make Lauren's back better!" So she got to pray again.

I told them that I would be praying for Lauren's back when I went to bed too. Lauren said, you pray for me when I'm not with you?! Adorable. I love how they care for each other and how they are learning to talk to Jesus about their wants, needs and joys.