Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Becky is loving the an anesthesiologist at this point. She just got her epidural and it is a night and day difference. I'm looking at the screen seeing three high peaks showing that there were back to back to back contractions and she hardly flinched. Amazing.


Melanie said...

Ya to the person who invented the epidural!!!

Melanie said...

FYI - I'm still not doing any work today. I'm sitting here thinking back to the time when Becky had Lauren. I was at the hospital for that one and Becky was miserable. After checking in on her and sseeing her clenching the side of the bed, that was it for me. Possibly the reason why I waited so long to have Jalen:). I hope things are going better for Becky with this one!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updates, Jordan!

Cassie said...

this is me freaking out...
love you!!