Wednesday, July 09, 2008

So sleepy

This is Tess tonight after her bath. There is nothing sweeter than a baby after a bath. She couldnt keep her eyes open but was really trying!

Things are going well around here. Tess seems to be adjusting to us well. She's started having one bottle a day and she's getting the hang of it. I like knowing that if I need to be away from her sometime, I can be. She continues to nap well during the day which really helps me spend time with the 'big' kids. And she does fairly well at night too...I dont feel exhausted so I'd say she's doing well.

Jordan came home tonight about 8:30 and told me to get out of the house for awhile. Well given we live in a town of 2,500 I didnt have many options, I ended up at the grocery store! Exciting!
I came home to Jordan feeding Tess a bottle and giving Lauren and Avery a geography/history lesson with our big light up globe and his book on famous landmarks of the world. The girls absolutelly LOVED it.

Jordan just told Avery that Benjamin Franklin was one of his favorite people in history and Avery wanted to know when he met him. Well Avery, Daddy's not that old!

Off to bed.

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