Monday, September 05, 2011

from my loving husband

The other night Jordan said,
'The thing I love most about you is how psycho you are...(pause) I mean passionate!'

He then proceeded to dig his hole further by saying that I am a combination of these three characters:

Monica Geller

Claire Dunphy

Elaine Benes

Yep, that's me.

Jordan says the people that know me best will understand this the most.
He is expecting to be backed up by most by my brothers, Melanie, Cassie, Jerod & Angie & Kelly W.



Cassie said... crap.
TO A T!!!!
jordan and i agree on more than one thing in a week. wow!
seriously perfect description of you.
and exactly why i love you.

Anonymous said...

I don't know who that Claire lady is but yep, I agree with the others. At least he didn't say someone like Snooki. :)

yoderyears said...

3 of my favorites!
Must be why I like you so much! :)