Monday, September 26, 2011

Celebrating Livvy!

This week my niece Olivia turns 18.
18. seriously!
You know all the bad things that people say about teenagers?
Well no one would say even one of them about Livvy.

She is sweet, generous, giving, mature, kind and fun...beyond her years.
She loves Jesus.
She is everything I pray that my own girls grow to become.
She is the best example for them to watch.
And oh how they love her...and want to be just like her! yeah!

We gathered at my brother's house this weekend to celebrate her with a Luau themed party.

I remember her being the sweetest and prettiest baby ever.
With tons and tons of dark hair that stood STRAIGHT up.

As she grew she learned tricks.
The 'arnold' was everyone's favorite.
Basically she flexed her muscles as tight as she could - like Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Her whole body would shake.
I bet she started this at about 6 months old.
And every once in awhile we can get her to do it again!

We love you Olivia!
And we cant to see what you will do next!


mama barb said...

Everything you just said about her is so correct...she has a big part of my heart forever...

Love ya Livvy..

Andrea Dellit said...

Wow. That was a quick 18 years! What a great tribute.

Anonymous said...

not possible!!!

Ellie said...

What a PRETTY girl!!