Thursday, September 08, 2011


From time to time I have to get down some of Sullivan's funny quotes.

1. Recently he told us he had decided he was going to UNI for college. He stops suddenly in this conversation and says, 'Im going to have to tell Mia about this though cause that is not where we had planed to go.'
I say, 'The two of you are already picking out colleges together?'
He responds, 'uh, yeah' and makes this noise like 'duh!'

2. This weekend while up at work with Jordan Sully was having a cup of water. He pauses between sips and says, 'This is sure a good cup of Joe'

3. We went to visit Jordan's grandparents one afternoon this weekend and Sullivan took along some toys in a box. I was carrying them out to the van and apparently I was not being as careful with them as he would have liked. He nervously says, 'Mommy! Please be careful! Those mean the WORLD to me!'

Really, the things that come out of his mouth are just hysterical to me.
And since he rarely stops talking during any awake moments of his day...I get to laugh a lot!
