Thursday, September 15, 2011

not cool tess!

Just spent 30 minutes at the hardware store.

It took 30 seconds to find the lite bulb I needed.

And 29 minutes and 30 seconds, 2 hardware workermen and me to find my zebra print wallet that Contessa 'HID' from me.

'Mommy! I hid you wallet.....' In a sing-song voice is not a good thing to hear at Farm Fleet.
Neither is, 'I dont amember where I hidded it!'



Meghan said...

makes. my. day.


yoderyears said...

Love it!
That sounds like a FUN game, Tess! :)

Anonymous said...

ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Good girl Tes!

D G Curren said...

Oh, that sounds like Abby! It's probably good we moved away. Those 2 would be TROUBLE together. So Ally wants to know where you found it.