Friday, September 16, 2011

Little Helper!

My days with my two littlest girls are so sweet.
It is quiet, low key and fun.
I'm trying very hard to stay home more and run around less.

I realized recently that I am getting to know and understand Tess more than I was able to with the older three kids. For a couple of obvious reasons.
1. I am home. God seems to keep affirming to us over and over that this is exactly where He wants me right now.
2. I feel like knowing we are done having heart is calming down. I feel less like I am running a race and more like I need to enjoy where I am at. I cant really explain that but it feels GOOD.

And this little girl...I give a bum rap.
yes, she is difficult. But my oh my she is sweet.
And FUN!

We baked today during Tori's morning nap.
And we laughed and laughed.
And it just felt therapeutic.

I guess she had never cracked an egg before.
Because when I let her do it...she just smooshed it between both hands.
Previously in my parenting I probably would have let that ruin the experience. But this time I busted out laughing and didn't even realize till later that this was a change for me.
Have I finally grown up enough to let messes go?
Whatever the answer is. I am so happy with these changes I'm feeling in my heart and mind.

And seriously, look at this kid.
I honestly feel sorry for people who dont get to spend their days with her!


Choose Joy said...

I love her concentrated look when she was pouring the oil. She is such doll.

Courtney said...

she is so beautiful!

and, we ARE growing! that is something to celebrate! whoo=hoo!!

Cassie said...

Dear God,
please forgive Becky for putting poor Tess in that outfit. I don't believe she means intentional harm. Give her wisdom in the days ahead.

Beckysblog said...

And just when I start taking life too Cassie swoops in to set me straight and make me laugh!
Love it.

Anonymous said...

In reference to letting the messes go...did anyone else notice the kitchen cleaner sitting right next to the mixing bowl? :)

Choose Joy said...

H-i-l-l-a-r-i-o-u-s Melanie!!!!!

Beckysblog said...

But that is where the cleaner always sits! Its part of the decor!