Thursday, January 12, 2012

More from Robert's visit

Everyone headed for home Tuesday and so now our house is boring!
At least that is what the kids will tell you. 

Its kind of hard to argue with them. 
They were totally spoiled with playmates.

Jen and Avery playing Wii.

Lauren and Jordan on the computer...they were actually looking at Pinterest! 

Sunday afternoon we headed outside to try out Robert's gift for Sully.
This little peanut is experiencing a whole new world outside now that she can walk!

And the gift...
who wouldn't bring a kindergartner a real bow and arrow?
The tutorial

Even I got a turn.

Avery wasn't quite strong really was not as easy as it looked. 

So then they played football!
And Robert lost his wedding ring...again.
They've been married less than a year and he's gone through 2.
I told him a tattoo made a lot more sense at this point. 

Thanks for the visit everyone! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Did he really lose his ring again? We were at Hickory Park when they came to visit and I had him look under the table at the restaurant to make sure we didn't have any baby toys left under there before we left. He found his wedding ring...under the table. How it got down there without him knowing it, I don't know. But I guess it's not as big of deal finding it that night if he just lost it a few days later!