Thursday, February 08, 2007

Aednoids and tubes

Jordan and I took Lauren over to the ENT specialist today. She had failed 2 hearing tests at preschool this year.
So, she had another test and failed in her right ear again. So then we saw the dr. and he asked if Lauren's nose was always full of snot like it is today. We said YES! We are constantly telling her to clean it - it has always been a problem.
She also has an ear infection in her right ear.
He is blaming both of these things and her temporary hearing loss on her aednoids (sp?).
So...On the 23rd she is having a tube put in her right ear AND having her aednoids removed. He thought about tonsils too but is NOT doing that. Thank goodness. He said she would be down for about 3-5 days - not feeling real good after the surgery - but then hopefully will be as good as new.
Pray for Lauren, she is very nervous and she doesn't understand what is going on - just knows something is up. We aren't really sure how much of this to share with her.

I feel really good knowing why her hearing hasn't been the best and that we can do something about it. I am so thankful that God gives Dr.'s the knowledge to heal us!


Cassie said...

i was just getting online to email you and ask when her appt was today! sounds like good news, really. we'll keep her in our prayers. love you guys!

Beckysblog said...

sweet of you to be thinking of us and remembering her appointment when you are so busy! :)

Heather said...

Oh, you brought back memories with that story! Between the two kids we have had 5 sets of tubes, 2 sets of adenoids removed, and one set of tonsils out. The procedures always went well and the kids experienced very little pain or discomfort. The hardest part is handing them over to the surgeon and walking out--that stinks. But, you will be amazed at the difference in her after her ear can drain and those yucky adenoids get out of the way!

I'll be praying for Lauren--for her nerves to be calmed and fear to be minimal and that all goes well during/after surgery!

Beckysblog said...

The handing her over part is what I am nervous for too! Jordan says he is going to ask to stay during the surgery, I told him good luck.

So did your kids recover pretty fast when you got home?