Friday, February 23, 2007

The saga continues...

When Jody first started her blog she said it was cheaper than therapy. I am in full agreement of that now. That will explain the rash of entries from me over the past 4 days of illness in my house! It keeps me sane.

Anyway, Jordan thought it would be a good idea to take Lauren and Avery to the movie tonight while I stayed home with Sully. Ok, great idea. $.99 movie for the girls and they would get out of the house. Avery didnt look real good as they were leaving the house - her diareha is still active. But I thought hey, they need to get out.

Jordan called 1/2 hour into the movie - Yep, Lauren threw up. But at least she is old enough to get to the bathroom.

I got very upset when Jordan called to tell me and I had my own personal tantrum, (Sully looked at me like I had lost it), but then it hit me. God so had this in his plans. If Lauren hadn't gotten her bladder infection she would have had surgery today. And now we would be dealing with a child with the flu post-op. That would have been much worse.

So, keeping that in mind, I am thanking God for his mercies and I am heading to bed in hopes of a couple of hours sleep before some needs me.


Cassie said...

i just knew when the bladder infection appeared that there was a reason. i think you are right...this is better than post-op flu AND this is much cheaper than therapy!
you guys have had a rough year...seriously.
love you and thinking about you!

Jordan D said...

So, I walk in the door from work today to find my wife changing Avery's diaper that she just made an awful mess in and tells me that Sullivan has puked twice in the last 15 minutes. She also informs me that she will be going up to take a nap, and that she'll see me in 4 hours. Yes, Becky has totally flipped! Even better, she pullls out of the oven some nasty burnt meatloaf(my favorite by the way) and heads to bed. Not kidding, she shut the door to the stairs and was gone. A melt down, I don't blame her, but from what I could gather, she had had enough. Lucky for me the kids were perfect for me, even good enough, I thought, to take to the movie. I went upstairs to break it to Becky that we were going to the movie, and surprisingly she said yes. Now I really thought she was going crazy! I suppose she didn't care where they went, just as long as I had to deal with them. If you've read Becky's most recent post you know how the movie turned out, and as of 8:40 pm my wife is relaxed and chilling on the couch. What a day, and what a week. I keep telling her help is on the way, I'm here for the weekend, she's not buying it. Let's see how this turns out!

jody said...

i am so sorry.
keep blogging, we'll keep listening and sympathizing and somehow I think we are all better for it in the end....

Beckysblog said...

Thanks guys, and no, Jordan, you are not funny.