Friday, February 09, 2007


I took all three kids to Waterloo today. We had 4 stores we needed to go in...which of course involved in and out of the van that many times...which to me is the absolute most exhausting part because Avery is not able to buckle herself in yet and all that.
By the time we got to Walmart I was beat. We did our shopping and the girls were pretty good. But half way through we still had to race to the bathroom for Avery. I lost Avery for a panicked 27 seconds and she ALMOST knocked over a display of DVD's.
Lauren and Avery danced around and counted lots of things on the shelves and by the time we were in the check out line I was telling them that they had done a wonderful job and I would take them to McDonalds.
But I was still exhausted.
As I was stuffing the receipt in my purse and heading out this older woman whom I had seen repeatedly thoughout Walmart came over and gave me a hug. She said, "I just wanted to let you know that it isnt often I see kids who are so well behaved in this store. They are usually crying and throwing fits and asking for toys and the parents are screaming at them."
At that moment Avery had a CAUTION - WET FLOOR sign on her head and was dancing around running into people and things. I said, "well, you might change your mind now!"
She said, "No, that is what I mean. You kids are happy. They are acting like kids and their mother isnt scolding them for that."
She hugged me again told me I was doing a great job and to enjoy every minute.

I walked out of Walmart feeling very very happy. Not that my kids were so well behaved, because honeslty they werent as wonderful as she thought! But more because I was reminded yet again to cherish EVERYTHING they do. Maybe I should even cherish Avery's dancing with the CAUTION crown more than the time she spent sitting quietly in the cart.

Thanking God for the 'angels' he sends into our lives to give us encouragement when we really need it. I dont know who that lady was but I know I wont forget her.


jody said...

she probably saw us yesterday...:-)

Beckysblog said...

Well what I didnt tell about was the couple who rolled their eyes at us and actually jabbed each other as we passed. Avery was attempting to carry a huge pack of diapers and Lauren was trying to crawl underneath the cart to 'hide' at the time. I was NOT being patient at that moment.

But I figured they didnt have any kids yet and had no idea wha they were talking about!

jody said...

yeah, me too. I was a really good parent before I became one. :-)
You are doing a great job with those kids. And don't we all wish there were more women who were like the lady in the store. I hope I can be someday....

Andrea Dellit said...

How nice of that lady... what a breath of fresh air for you...she's right you have 3 of the greatest kids!