Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Wednesday morning

Things I cant have enough of when my kids are sick
1. kids washcloths
2. kids hooded bathtowels
3. laundry detergent
4. all purpose cleaner and paper towels
5. sheets and other bedding
6. hugs and kisses

Things I am grateful for...
Even though they are throwing up - they dont have fevers - if they did have fevers - the medicne box is stocked with tylenol
My dr.'s office encourages me to call with questions and never acts like I am a nuisance
I have an ER 2 minutes from my door
my washer and dryer are old - but they keep plugging away - load after load after load
My mother-in-law has Lauren quaranteened at her house to try to keep her healthy for surgery on Friday
Im not pregnant...ha, sorry that was a joke, Ive had less than 2 hours of sleep, Im a little punchy!

1 comment:

Andrea Dellit said...

Hang in there mom!

Hope Lauren's surgery goes well and I hope that you get a nap when Jordan gets home!