Monday, March 09, 2009

My baby...

I sat down in the dr.'s office waiting room late this afternoon with Contessa sitting on my lap literally whimpering.

An older man across from me leaned forward and said, "how old is your sweet baby?"
I smiled and said that she was 8 months.

He responded, "My baby is 31."

Yep, my Contessa can stay 8 months...even 8 months with a double ear infection and wheezing lungs which is what she's got.

She is beyond sweet.

You know you have a sweet baby when she is sick and you still think they are sweet and you don't want them to grow up!

Poor sweet baby, feel better soon!

(This picture isnt from today. Today her face is covered with snot - in varying colors and phases of wetness. And her eyes are red rimmed and runny.)


Shannon/Jodi said...

We have the same high chair.

Hope Tess if feeling better soon.

Courtney said...

hope she's feeling better...