Saturday, August 06, 2011

adventures and mishaps

As one would imagine not all of the adventures we take on with our kids are smooth sailing.
Anything with 5 young kids involved is bound to have hairy moments.

Tonight's was one of those nights when more things went wrong than right...but we all ended the night smiling and laughing and the kids were full of thank you's and 'that was fun!' so I'll still call it a success.

We headed to George Wyth State Park for some bike riding on their awesome trails.
The plan was to bike to the middle of the park, play at the playground there and then bike back.

This was one of Sully's first 'real' bike rides...
We were out maybe 3 minutes and we came to the first hill ... going down.
Sully panicked a bit...and I did too. His hand brakes were not working right and he fell.
He thankfully was just scared and not hurt. I about killed myself jumping off my bike to run to him but we'll not focus on that.

The family following us was not so lucky...their little boy got distracted by us and wiped out big time...lots and lots of blood, missing skin and I'm gonna have to bet a few missing teeth.

So then we trudge on and Sully is really falling behind.
So Jordan and I are taking turns staying with him or riding up with the big girls.
Then suddenly Jordan and all the girls were just gone.
And Sully and I came to a fork in the road.
I havent been on these trails in like 4 years...I had no idea where to go.
We chose wrong.
Long story short we didn't see Jordan and the girls again for well over an hour.
I think I said the words, 'pedal faster & stay to the right' at least 127 times each.

Sullivan was a real trooper and he didn't complain once!
And he was adorable.
At one point he said,
'well at least if we are lost I get to have a date with you! I cant wait to tell Daddy!'
Seriously, could he be sweeter?

Eventually we all met back up and shared our adventures.

My boy...he's the best.

Jordan and his you can see, Torrance was simply thrilled by it all.

yep, precious.

1 comment:

mama barb said...

Sully can always seem to find something good at what we see as bad times...what a lifter upper!!!

Mama barb