Thursday, August 04, 2011

how to get your kids to sleep in...

a. have your husband take the day off
b. head 2 hours north
c. kayak in the beautiful sun for 4 hours
d. take them hiking
e. take them to a playground and stay till after dark
f. drive 2 hours home while watching movies
g. arrive home at 11:45 and give all baths

This should ensure that everyone sleeps until 10 or after.

Worked for us!!!

(technically I was up...but that's because I CANT SLEEP IN!)


Andrea Dellit said...

Whew! That's a lot in one day and I don't even have kiddos! You guys are champs! We are FINALLY taking our kayaks out this weekend. We will both be in the same place for an entire day on Saturday :) Now I hope it doesn't rain! p.s. I love your adventures.

Ellie said...

I gaurantee it would not work for my kids. Really!! ;)

Ellie said...

But I need to add that just reading about all you do with 5 kids wears ME out. guys are like the super adventure parents!!