Sunday, January 06, 2008


Jordan and I went to Galena this weekend with my brothers Robert, Nick, his wife Stacie and daughter Olivia.
The guys and Livvie went skiing and Stacie and I shopped. We all had fun, I'm really not sure who was the most sore at the end of the day though! 8 hours on my pregnant feet and back was a lot!
We ate out at a fantastic Italian restaurant and then played cards in the hotel till we couldnt keep our eyes open any longer - which wasnt very late.
Now the laundry and dishwasher are going in full force, Jordan is working at the table next to me and I'm getting ready to do some reading before calling it a night early. My body is definetly starting to feel pregnant - and not just my waistline, which has been telling me that for sometime.

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