The last week my thoughts have been consumed with Lauren. How can she be turning seven? Seven!
It seems just yesterday, and yet, almost like it never happened that my water broke at 1:18 am and we raced to the hospital. Raced to the hospital to wait EXACTLY 12 hours for her to make her grand entrance into the world at 1:18 pm. I'll never forget when they laid that tiny body on me and I stared into her face. Suddenly I was so very scared. What had God done? He really thought I could do this? He gave me a person for goodness sake! A real person!
Lauren turned our world upside down as we learned to be parents and for the first time learned what self-less love was all about. I remember being so scared that I would do something wrong and hurt her or scar her for life! My how things change by the time number 4 rolls around!
Lauren has always acted a little older than she is, a little better than she should. Her first thought always seems to be for others. I wish I could say that Jordan and I were the ones who made this come out in her. But it is all Lauren. She never wants to leave anyone out, never wants to cause hurt feelings and always wants to thank people and make people feel good about themselves.
She says she wants to be a teacher, a PE teacher to be exact, when she grows up. I have no doubt that she would be a wonderful one. She has far more patience than I do with her brother and sister!
Lauren is very precise, she loves things in order and in time. She plans and prepares things days in advance and she puts things away when she is done. She worries about things that do not need to be worried about, long before they are even a thought in anyone else's heads - she gets all that from me...poor, poor thing!
She is very social and loves friends and fun. But it seems her favorite place is still at home with us. She still calls us "mommy
and "daddy", I love that. I dread when that turns to mom and dad!
Lauren, at seven you are a true joy to your mom and dad. We stop and watch you and remind each other what a wonderful child you are and that we are often way too hard on you. We expect a great deal from you and I suppose that is becuase you have never once failed to come through. But we know that we need to let you just be little too; those days are fleeting from us now as you seem to grow faster and faster each day.
Lauren, I pray that you always keep your sweet giving spirit. That the thoughts and needs of others are always at the front of your mind. I know that your tender heart will be easily broken but I also know that you will learn where to go when it needs mending. We already see in your heart and mind a love for Jesus Christ. You seem to have an understanding about the relationship you need to have with Him that I doubt many 7 year olds hold. He holds all the answers for you baby, He and only He can calm those worries and mend your heart. He can use you for such mighty things.
He has a wonderful plan for you and one of my greatest joys in life will be watching that unfold. I cannot wait to see what wonderful exploits He has for you to complete. Always know that your mom and dad are waiting for you, ready to listen, ready to encourage, ready to hug you and give you the strength you need from us. You can never disappoint us..if anything you show us things in ourselves that we need to do better...never the other way around.
I am ultimately proud of you and just as I felt on Thursday, November 15, 2001, I know I am in no way worthy of having you call me mommy...but I am blessed beyond meaure that you do.
All my love sweet baby girl...all my love. Happy Birthday!