Sunday, November 02, 2008


I was raised with a deep love of two main things...1. My Savior, Jesus Christ and 2. my Country - AMERICA.

And I love how these two things are so closely intertwined. How the country I love was built by people who loved my Savior.

I'm focusing on my country today. As a child our supper table was normally filled with conversations surrounding politics and the greats from our past. I heard constant stories about my grandpa and his experience in WWII and how he left his wife and my uncle (before my dad was born) to go fight for the country he loved. I've read countless letters that he wrote back to my grandma. It was obvious, he missed her. He missed his son and his missed his town. But he wouldn't give up the fight. Because he knew that in fighting for the country he loved, he was fighting for the family that he loved.
I believe we are in the midst of a huge fight for our country. One that will come to a head this Tuesday - Election Day. I also love election day. I love to walk into the booth and place my vote and then get my "I Voted" sticker. I wear it proudly all day. And I feel like such an American. Its a little silly but its the way I feel.

When you step into the voting booth on Tuesday I ask you to consider these issues, to vote your morals. To forget whatever political party you may have always affiliated with and to vote for what you know to be right. To vote the way God would have you to vote.
Please consider these issues and then follow the link below and see who you should be aligning with. Fight for your country.

The Issues - (for more details on each also follow the link):
Traditional Marriage in Federal Law
Judicial Activism
Homosexual Education
Human Life
Business Freedom
Gay Pride
Iraq War
Youth & Abortion
Gun Rights
Partial Birth Abortions
Traditional Marriage in States
Parental Rights in Education

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