Monday, November 03, 2008

a note

I just arrived at work and am trying to get settled in after not being here since last Tuesday.

My desk is its usual mess with papers in various stacks surrounding me. I picked up one stack and underneath was a yellow stickie note that caught my eye.

In childlike script it reads, "I love you. See you tonight."

My first thought was, why in the world does Jordan's handwriting look so horrible? Then an even funnier thought, why in the world did my BROTHER Jordan leave me a note like that? (He has horrible handwriting...)

Then I remembered. My mind flashed back to last Tuesday afternoon. Lauren had spent an hour at work with me after school and I vaguely remember her trying to hide something from me as I was trying to rush her out the door. I remember being kind of short with her and telling her that we needed to get moving to pick up the other three from the sitter.

Now today I find that note. My eyes filled with tears and all I want to do is go grab her from school and spend the day just enjoying her in all her almost 7 year old glory. She really is quite possibly the sweetest child I have ever met. I do not deserve to have her call me mommy. Oh how I love her. And I have fully decided that her birthday in 2 weeks will be the last one I will allow her to have. She can stay 7. I like 7.


Melanie said...

She is the sweetest!!!

Trina said...

Lauren amazes sweet.

Cassie said...

i LOVE seven!
what a sweetie!