Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Something's missing...

On Monday we finally made the transition to Isabel (our cat) living with my mom.

All day today I have been feeilng weird.

Turning around looking for something and not finding it, shutting doors behind me and then thinking...why? She isnt here.

This afternoon before nap Sully asked why Izzy had to go to Grandma's. He asked if she was naughty.

I think this is going to take some time to get used to, she's been living with me since 1998...10 years. Longer than I've lived with Jordan. The kids of course have always had her around. And she has always been so patient with them, letting them pull her tail, sit on her and chase her everywhere...she seemed to almost love it.

At least we can go over to my mom's when we need our Izzy-fix. For today I just want to cry about it.

We miss you sweet kitty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Couldn't find Izzy all day yesterday, Ozzy was exerting her turf!!! This morning I came down and she was on my couch....tonight, while on computer, she came up on my lap and I petted and cuddled for a long time....she is adjusting!!!!!

Love Grandma of children and cats!!!