Thank you doesn't quite seem enough...
Spirit, that made those heroes dare
To die, and leave their children free,
Bid Time and Nature gently spare
The shaft we raise to them and thee.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
We took the kids out to the Memorial Day ceremony at our local cemetery today.
Last night I was talking to the girls about Memorial Day and about all the men and women who have died to protect us and our country. About their grandfathers who fought in wars - for them. About those fighting right now! We talked about how not all countries are free - free to learn, to worship, to play, to do any of the things that we do without a thought.
Avery said, "Well what about all the oil we spilled in the water in Florida? Our country wasn't good about that." (Oh I LOVE her!)
"Yes, I explained, we don't do everything right...but we still live in an amazing country and we can never forget how it became that way...that way hopefully we can become that way again."
A lot for them to understand but I think walking though the flags and viewing the grave sites of veterans...they at least understood in a small way.
And as they grow they'll understand more...that this freedom doesn't come without a high price.