Monday, May 17, 2010


These two are quite the twosome...they are more alike than even I realize. They are really quite good buddies, who of course can fight like only a sister and a brother only 18 months apart in age can do. They are so similar in size that I'm often asked if they are twins. They both laugh easy and play HARD.

And I fear that the first day of school in August is going to be a huge shock for Sully. He'll be losing his playmate and he'll be left with his mom and 2 year old sister...not a very fair trade for a 4 year old boy.

I hope they can remember all the fun they've had!

always running and chasing each other...and screaming...

and lots of laughter....

...and wrestling.

But then again, maybe I don't have to worry so much, because he's really good with Tess.
And Tess likes to run and chase and laugh and scream and wrestle too...

So then I just go back to where I started...worrying about my heart when she leaves.


Anonymous said...

They really could pass for twins in that first picture!

Tisha said...

That first picture is super cute.