Thursday, May 27, 2010

Its Thursday

And I am random.

Dont expect much more than that from this post...I have no deep thoughts...I haven't had any in quite awhile actually...

So here's the randomness:

I havent done any laundry since Friday...a week ago. Cant wait to start that! :)

We are camping this weekend with Nick and his family. We couldn't get a spot so we are going to be in our yard. The kids are still very excited!

Jordan fell down the steps on Wednesday morning and likely has a cracked a rib or two. Not fun. He was holding Tess and although he had the wind knocked out of him...he managed to keep her from getting hurt at all. He is mostly worried about his golf game. I am mostly worried about who is going to carry all the laundry down to the laundry room!

The weather is GORGEOUS and this weekend promises much of the same. We've been eating lots of meals outdoors! And grilling and all that makes me insanely happy! But I am so ready for corn on the cob...

Being a stay at home mom is awesome. I am still loving this decision and am so thankful for being able to make it happen. I cant imagine my life any other way now.

These pictures are just from lunch today...and yes, three of us are still in our pjs...and I am not apologizing for it!

This is my kids craft table. I love it. My kids sit here for 75% of the time we are indoors. They do art constantly. We got it 2 years ago. Its pottery barn. And it does not clean up well. I buy washable art supplies. Why will it not come clean? I spent 30 min with the magic eraser on it this morning but there are still marker, crayon and pen fragments...suggestions? oh, and the chairs were cheap - from Target...and they wash up easier than the not so cheap table! urgh!

Avery had to color at the dining room table while I was cleaning 'her' table this morning...she would do this all day long.

This is where they display their art. Its one of my favorite 'things' in the house.

Only 4 more days left of school!! I cant wait to have Lauren home for all our days.

I got a new vacuum. It cost neither an arm or a leg. Maybe a toe. And it works great. Loving it! And its bagless which I should have done a long time ago.

I cleaned my fridge this morning...ahhhhh! Love that feeling.

I clean my kitchen cupboard doors and knobs weekly. HOW do they get so dirty? really?

My kids all still call us 'mommy' and 'daddy'. Never mom and dad. Do kids normally do that for this long? I dont want them ever to stop. Well, I guess I should say I dont want them to be old enough to stop.

I miss ibuprofen. Tylenol does nothing for my headaches.

I really dislike Amelia Bedelia books. I dont know why. But I cannot read them. I make Lauren read them to the others if they pick one out.

Avery and I are doing Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons...she loves it. And between that and the Letter Factory and Word Factory videos she watches she is already starting to catch on. Its fun!

Contessa is a naughty tantrum throwing, hitting, pinching almost 2 year old. She yells no at us, stomps off, hits, Im pretty sure I've even seen her roll her eyes at me. She has will power and a stubborness that I did not know could exist in a child. Recently she screamed for 10 minutes and threw shoes at me for not letting her go outside by herself. Then after time out and a stern 'talking to' she gave me the SWEETEST hug and said, sorry you...And I melt. and the cycle repeats. Our other kids DID NOT DO THiS!!!!
But oh my she is sweet and snuggly and loving and precious. And playful and funny and smart! Such a combination!
This is her latest thing...she takes out all the kitchen wash clothes and stacks them on the bench. Then when she is done she puts them back. It keeps her busy for very long periods of time. So I've just had to give up the idea of having my wash cloths folded in the drawer. What's the point anyway?

And that's Thursday.


Courtney said...

i LOVE posts like this.
i can never get our "craft stuff" off our table either. i don't even bother any more. i wipe it down and move on.
all my kids already say "mom and dad"...never "mommy and daddy"...except for sawyer.
i'm so glad you are loving being at home :-)
have a great weekend!

Amy said...

Found you through Cassie. I love this post. I think the random ones are my favorites to go back and read. I love that you have a craft table. I love your magnetic board and the quote above it. I love your pink/purple/green square wall. And I love that you seem like such a happy family who loves each other and loves Jesus! Hope you're having a great week! :)