Friday, May 07, 2010

You can't make this stuff up people.

Its chilly and rainy outside today so I tackled my sadly neglected house and the kids played dress up and super heroes all day long!

At one point I was in the kitchen and Sully came running in,
"Mommy! Look! I'm a confused Superhero!"
I had to ask him to repeat himself at least three times.
A 'confused superhero'? Really?
How does he get that?
How does he know that having on two costumes would make a 'confused superhero'?
How does he know that is funny?

I swear I about called Letterman...or Yale.

Then about 4 minutes later I caught myself saying,
"Sullivan! That headlock you have on Contessa is MUCH too tight, ease up!"
(not let her go, STOP, go to time out, get, just ease up. Wow.)

1 comment:

Happilyoutnumbered said...

Too funny! And the whole headlock thing...I have found myself saying similar things, like "if you're going to do that, move away from the lamp" or "don't rip his clothes" :) Never "stop, you're going to hurt him" It's not worth the battle, might as well just make them safe!