Tuesday, May 04, 2010


I've got nothing inspiring to blog about.

And of course when you have no words...you take pictures of your baby.
Yes, right now I take more pictures of her...she's the baby.
That's how it goes.
The weather has been great around here but SUPER windy. Typical Iowa spring. But the sun is shining, the birds are singing and everything is green! And in the evenings it tends to calm down.

I'm an organizing fool. Remember how I was going to gut every room in the house and pitch and organize before Spring hit? Well I completed the main level but didn't get to the upstairs before my pregnancy induced coma hit, then we went on vacation, then I had to recover from vacation, then we got sick...so now I'm doing it. Cleaning kids clothes out, dusting, sweeping, rearranging, touch up painting...awesome. And one thing is for sure...we have WAY too much stuff.

As far as the pregnancy goes...Im feeling great. Thank goodness! I think I'm 14 weeks. Maybe 15? I go to the dr. again next week.

We have no names. None.
And I told Jordan today that I have officially named the baby #5.
He responded with his top names...Hector, for a boy, which I think he is kidding about and Hadasha (or something like that - Esther's Hebrew name apparently), for a girl, which he was NOT kidding about.
Seriously. Help. Or charge him with a crime for suggesting names like that.

School is winding down...I'm excited to have Lauren home with us all day. We are going to have a fantastic summer.

Oh, and she is insanely cute.


Jennie Peakin said...

Eden for a girl...I would totally name a future daughter Eden except for the fact that it sounds terrible with our last name...Eden Peakin. Nope...can't do it!

mama barb said...

The eyes have it!!!

mama barb

Tisha said...

I like #5 :)
Great pics!! She does have pretty eyes.

Beckysblog said...

Jennie...I know someone in GC with a daughter named Eden...so its out. And really, most likely your daughter will get married and her last name will change at some point...if you like it, use it!
I almost didnt name Tess, Tess because I didnt like it with our last night, but I did and Im so glad!

Beckysblog said...

yeah, i meant name...not night.


Melanie said...

Wasn't #5 the name of the robot in Short Circuit? Totally worked for him. :) I vote for Earle for a middle name.

Lisa Borglum said...

I kinda like Hadasha. You could call her Haddie. Hector, not so much.