Monday, May 17, 2010

so glad to be back

Well the house is still neglected but we had such a great morning.

I am finding that either the older I get, or the more kids I have, or the combination of the two makes me have a terribly hard time leaving my kids.
I really struggled to leave this past week. And yes, I did have fun while we were gone.
But I was so anxious to get home.

So we left the house and went to a little nature preserve this
morning so I could just enjoy them.

They had a blast. And I got to just follow them and watch.
We walked the short trails...

And played on the two different bridges.
Here Tess and Avery are making it sway!
Tess just cracks me up in this picture.

Although its hard, I know going away is good.
I guess the reminder that I am just about the most blessed woman in the world is good for me.
And I like feeling in awe that I get to call them all mine.


yoderyears said...

So sweet...

Courtney said...

loved all your posts from today...i can hear your joy through them.