Monday, May 24, 2010

my favorite night of the year

The kids and I got home mid-afternoon today...home to steaming hot Iowa.

Oh, and I took the 3 older kids and my mom with me to St. Louis to Christina's graduation. Jordan and Tess got to have some bonding time at home.

Anyway, we arrived just in time for my favorite night of the year. (insert massive amounts of sarcasm here)

Since it was in the 90's today it meant we had to put the window air conditioner in our room. Our house has central air but our bedroom does not.

Every year we have to do it I swear it will be the last and we will move before the following summer.

And yet, here we are.

And to our credit...we are still married.

Seriously, what is the deal with that project? Could it be my perfectionist husband? or perhaps me? the wife who hates to be hot more than anything else in the world?

oh heat and humidity how I loathe you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about, it went great?!? Probably the best ever, besides banging my knee on the dresser as I tried to leap over the air conditioner on my way to find my installation assistant talking on the phone downstairs! "Being there" is quite important for a two person job. I had fun, I don't know what you are talking about Ms. Sarcastic. =)