Friday, May 21, 2010


Due to the rainy weather we have a rare day to just be home today!
Since the weather has gotten nice I swear we are never home, at least not for a full day.
If we aren't spending time with friends or ourselves in the awesome weather we are running errands and racing around.

I asked Sully what he wanted to do and he screamed, 'Play Games!'

And since my only task for the day is laundry I can oblige that request.

Four of us will be leaving tomorrow for St. Louis to celebrate my niece graduation from high school.
And so in keeping with the 'game Friday' theme...
Any guesses which two are staying behind?
(no fair guessing if I've already told you...
which is probably everyone who reads its really not much of a game!)


Courtney said...

we played games today, too!

Trina said...

Jordan and Sully?

Trina said...
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