Monday, July 05, 2010

Party pics

There were lots of cute moments at the party.
Tess just loves Adele. Adele loves her back but is smart enough to be a little
scared of her. When Tess loves, she loves hard!

Tess loves singing 'Happy Birthday' and blowing out candles!

Avery believes her birthday wishes really do come true.

This guy blew up like 300 water balloons for the party.
And got a really bad sunburn on his back to prove it.
But he's still cute.

We tried, we really really tried to get a group picture of all the grandkids on Jordan's side.
But I have decided that it impossible without serious bribes.
And just think...we have two more to add to this picture!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

i feel his pain with the water balloons :-)

just getting caught up here...