Friday, July 30, 2010

Pincess Rella and Smack Talk

Contessa is obsessed with princesses and dress up and dancing.
Her favorite princess is Cinderella.
She is always talking about 'Pincess Rella'
Its precious.

Sullivan is obsessed with Mario Kart on the Wii.
Its considerably less precious - but hilarious.
He has learned some smack talk from listening to his dad and I compete against each other.
We've had many talks about how it is not ok for him to talk smack to his sisters, cousins or friends.
We told him he could talk smack to US while playing the Wii.
He responded, "Well, what about Uncle Garrick? Can I with him?"
Garrick - beware, we told him that since you enjoy some good smack talk - it was ok for him to bring it out during a Wii game with you too!
Smack talk is sayings like: Bring it!, You're going down!
Oh look whose winning?! Oh look, I got first and you got ___ place. ect.

(yeah, we aren't winning parents of the year award for this one. There is a competitive side to both of us that just oozes out from time to time. We never said it was real pretty.)


D G Curren said...

That is so funny about Rella! When Brad was that age, Ally was obsessed with princesses so whenever Brad would see a pretty lady, he would point and say, "Rella!" Oh, and the smack talk, you've heard David and Brad go at it.....not pretty either!

Mr. Teck said...
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Mr. Teck said...

Sullivan - Your "B" game might work to beat your dad and mom, but it will take an A game plus extra credit to be far enough behind me to still see my bumper. You might be barking up the wrong tree pal. Bring it if you want, I just don't want to hear from your lovely mother when you have been crying all night because of all the exhaust fumes in your face. -- Uncle Garrick :)