Thursday, July 01, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday, Contessa Caroline!

Oh how do I even begin with Contessa! At two she acts more like four or fourteen!

She talks in full sentences and we can understand her 95% of the time.
She eats a lot and isn't picky.
She is bossy and rules over her siblings.
Age 15 months - telling someone what for!

She loves princesses and star wars guys, dresses and cowboy hats, high heels and snow boots, barbies and train tracks.

Her favorite thing is the swimming pool. When we drive by she yells, 'Swimming pool is fun!' and giggles.

She favors Lauren and gets her to carry her a lot...and play with her constantly.

She's got Avery right where she wants her too.

She is a great sleeper. Waking about 7:30 and taking a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon.
She loves to wrestle with Sully. She does not fight fair.
When she is tired she pinches me - hard!
Every morning she asks for toast.
Every afternoon after nap she asks for 'suppa' (supper)
When we start a meal she says, 'suppa.' (which means - good supper mommy - she is copying her siblings who always say this too but she doesnt have time to get it all out...just the one word. its like my favorite thing ever)
She says please and thank you like an angel.
And NO and NEVER EVER EVER like the opposite of an angel.
Age 22 months - her mad face!

She says 'all right' about 55 times a day. Sometimes just to show agreement and sometimes in a sassy tone with her hand on her hip.
She gives the sweetest hugs and kisses.
She is such a snuggler.
She throws the worst tantrums we've ever dealt with.
Age 22 months - I dont want to leave the beach daddy!

And is the most independent two year old we've ever had.

She loves to dance and listen to music. She can really boogie!
She likes to be rocked before bed, but only for a little bit. And she loves her soft yellow blankie.

She loves books.
She has the CUTEST tan lines I have EVER seen!
She calls all fruit - apples
She always wants to go 'bye-bye'
She steals strangers shoes at the pool and attempts to wear them into the water.

She rifles through strangers bags at the pool to find treasures.
(These were actually our bags - I didn't think I should photograph her getting into other people's stuff!)

She pats my leg and says stay when I sit on the edge of the pool. Then she tries to get as far from me as possible. When I stand to go get her she screams, 'STAY!'
(Our pool time is SO relaxing!)
She loves the church nursery.
She loves her uncles.
She loves her cousin Adele.
She LOVES babies.
She gets comments on her blue blue eyes at least a couple of times per week. They are amazing. When they are sad - we melt, when they are happy - we dance, when they are angry - we hide!
She loves nothing more than to go on bike rides with Daddy. She finds his helmet and brings it to him saying, "bike ride???" and he cannot resist.
She covers her ears when she is scared - not just when there is a loud noise - but when she is scared of anything.

Oh Contessa, I could go on and on. I cannot believe you are two, although you act SO two.
But no matter how much we joke about your spirit, spunk and attitude we wouldn't change a single thing about you. Our house was missing something and that something was you! It was much too quiet before you and there wasn't enough laughing and dancing believe it or not!

I mean it when I say that your siblings loved you with all their hearts from day one. They literally fought over you. And I thought it would only last a few days or weeks. But it continues - they fight over who gets to help you with your shoes, play dolls with you or read you a book. And yes, you milk it for all its worth!

You are such a special little girl. You stole our hearts on July 1, 2008 and yet somehow those magical blue eyes of yours make us fall deeper in love with you each and every day.

Thank you for filling our hearts with love and laughter that overflows!

We love you baby girl! Happy Birthday

Mommy and Daddy.


Cassie said...

happy happy birthday tess!!!

Choose Joy said...

She is a special little girl. Wow! 2 already? Happy Birthday!

yoderyears said...

Happy Birthday, Tess! You can get into our stuff at the pool any time you want. Maybe you already do :)

Meghan said...

Happy Birthday Tess, glad we got to share a part of it with you! Emmy says "Happy Birthday My Tess!"

Unknown said...

What a wonderful entry for her to read down the road! I love how you do that! She's growing up so fast. But at least you have another little one on the way.

Happy Birthday a day late, Tess!

Courtney said... sweet!
LOVE the one of you and her! you both look gorgeous!