Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Tess's update

We traveled to Iowa City today for Tess's recheck on her kidney reflux issue. Jordan went with the kids' and I since I am pregnant and couldn't be with Tess during her actual test. And once we got there I really wondered how I ever thought I could take 4 kids down there for that alone anyway!

She and I were both traumatized as they put her catheter in. At one point she had both skinny little arms in a death grip around my neck screaming, 'no mommy! no!'

Like I said, traumatized.

Then she and Jordan went to the radiologist for her test. It took forever. After about 20 minutes of sitting outside the door listening to her cry and scream I about said forget it - we dont need the test, she's fine, we are out of here!

10 minutes after that they came out and I guess they got the test complete. Jordan literally looked like he had run a marathon or something. He was sweating, his hair was all over the place and his eyes said that he never wanted to go through that again!

So then we all headed to meet with Tess's actual urologist. And we got the great news we were hoping for. Tess's reflux issue is gone. She's outgrown it just like we had hoped. So no more daily antibiotic and really, no more worries. The only way they will want to retest would be if she were to come down with a UTI accompanied by a high fever like she had in May of 09.

We are so thankful for the results.

And I'll say it again...spending approximately 3 minutes in the waiting room of the pediatric specialty clinic at the U of I will make you feel like the most blessed mother in the world. Our short day with Tess was nothing compared to what some parents deal with every single day.


yoderyears said...

Wow, what an experience for you guys! That must have been soooo hard. Glad you got great news! :)

Leighann said...

Yeah for the great news!

Melissa said...

Glad to hear that she doesn't have to go through that anymore! Also glad you don't have to go through that anymore either.

Lisa Borglum said...

I hope it doesn't take little Tess long to forget about that experience but I am so happy to hear the great news!

brenda said...

Ohh Becky - some of the worst words a mommy can hear "no mommy, no" ~ been there a couple times... So glad all the results were so good:) and I'm sure you will be traumatized much longer than Tess <3