Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunday Sunday

Another weekend is drawing to a close.
Today was crazy busy, filled with lots of fun and if you ask me, not enough rest! ;)

After church, sunday school and lunch we headed to Trina and Garrick's for a get together with Jordan's dad's side of the family and a picnic supper.
All Jordan's aunts and uncles, the cousins and all their kids were there and of course grandma.

The funnest part was watching all the little boys have a blast seems to be a rather female dominated family and when the boys get together they make the most of it.

This fun game involved a ground squirrel, a hole and a hose.
Yep, they chased him right outta there.
Then the 'adult' boys got involved and before you know it all three of the poor little critters holes were covered and he stood no chance.
Eventually he wised up and headed to the bean field to hide.
Soaking wet.

Here they are hunting bears.
So tough - I believe their weapons include a wii sword, binoculars, and a bow and arrows.

And I just had to take this picture of Jordan's uncle Darrel and Jordan (as well as Darrel's son George). Because really - is this not like looking at a picture of present day Jordan and Jordan twenty-five years in the future? They look so much a like to me and some of their mannerisms are the same too...

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