Monday, July 12, 2010

School's in session

Before I chronicle our trip I have to show off these pictures from today.
When school got out this summer I said that we were taking June off...
Well June is over. So today we cracked open the school work again.
Each of the older three has some different goals in a lot of different areas.
I thought they would moan and complain.
I was wrong.
It was like the most exciting day of the summer. No joke.

It turns out I am not the only member of the family who craves schedules and structure.
I've loved our laid back time but I can't do it all summer...I get antsy. Weird.

Once we were done it was time for art.
And I'm not kidding - it may have been the highlight of their summer.
Kids and paints...such a combo!

I showed them these examples and gave them 2 rules - 1. the petals of their flowers have to touch the edges of the paper 2. the background of the paper has to be a different color than the flower.

Sullivan was so into this he hardly talked.
And if you know Sully, you know that is a miracle.

Tess actually sat and did this the whole time the others did.

Still concentrating hard.

So proud!

They all did so great. I wouldn't help them with any of it.
They drew their own flowers and did all the painting and designing. (except Tess)
very fun!
And now displayed in our place of honor.
Starting at the top and going clockwise its Lauren, Avery, Sully and Tess.
Its funny that while Tess worked for a long time...she hardly painted anything...(where did all the paint go that I know she used up? Im scared.)
Click on that picture to get a closer view - Avery's is very detailed...each petal is actually made up of lots of small hearts.
I also found it funny that all the examples they looked at had huge centers to their flowers but my three chose to make small centers...


yoderyears said...

Fun! You have quite the artists on your hands!

jen said...

I so copied you- Thanks for the idea!