Tuesday, January 11, 2011

2 month stats

Torrance had her 2 month well child appt today. Almost 3 weeks late...
She weighs 11lb 3 ou. Exactly 4 pounds more than at birth. And 25th% - little peanut.
She is 22.9inches long about 35th%
And her head is also 35th% - so proud - usually my kids have huge heads!

Our dr. said she was looking perfect. And she flashed him some of her amazing smiles and even giggled at him which I'm telling you, that giggle is like the most precious sound - EVER!

Before we left the house Avery was in tears not wanting Torrance to get shots - she is so sweet. Lucky for her she had school and didn't attend the appointment.

Torrance screamed bloody murder for 15 seconds with her shots and then was completely fine. I however, started crying. Pretty sure that is the first time I've ever cried over their shots. Weird.

Here's how the other kids looked at 2 months.
Lauren 11 lbs. 3 ou.
Avery 10 lbs 13 ou.
Sullivan 12 lbs 13 ou. (Man was he tub or what?!)
Tess 10 lbs 3 ou.

So grateful for healthy, happy, growing kids!

1 comment:

Choose Joy said...

You have such a tender heart. Crying over your children getting stuck with needles...a must!