Monday, January 10, 2011


It was Monday.
I cleaned.
I'm getting back into my groove since having Torrance.
It usually takes me a couple months!

Here's some random recent pics.
Jordan loves to have Torrance sit next to him like a big girl.
Sully loves to flash horrible smiles at the camera!

I have no idea...

But she kept doing it...and they were both silly.

This picture is just total preciousness to me.
It makes my heart happy.

So does she.
Tess let her use her Belle doll - a sign of pure love.

Torrance is a thumb sucker.
If she's not eating...she's got her thumb or fist.
Its really cute. But when she's almost 5 it wont be...that would be you Sullivan.


Sarah Guild said...

BTW: Jonathan (out of the blue) asked about that "one boy who lives by Grampie and Grammie and gets to have a lot of sisters?" Maybe I could have a sister like that boy :+)

Ellie said...

Oh so cute!

yoderyears said...

Love how Jordan just has Torrance sitting there next to him. Funny!