Sunday, January 02, 2011

Signs of the future

I was picking up the house tonight and snapping pictures as I went...
I think I was feeling a little sentimental with the end of another Christmas season and the end of Christmas break because everywhere I looked
I noticed that things are so different than they were a couple of years ago.

This scene is becoming more and more common.
One or all three of them on the computer - playing games or browsing our friends' blogs.

This little peanut might still play with 'little girl toys' but she does it so independently its amazing. You would think that with three older siblings she would constantly want a playmate.
But she is always content to play alone.
And she talks like a grown-up.
She amazes me.

These two love having Wii battles.
So competitive.
I'm sure I will have this going on in my living room for many many years.

And I find these two doing this a lot.
They both love to read.
And they also love the new bunk beds in their room now...
They escape to their room together a lot.

At least this one still has to stick close to my side.

I'm torn between being extremely sad that my babies are all growing up and being extremely excited for all the fun things that we are able to do now and all the fun we will have in the future. Its true that bigger kids can do really fun things! But they don't cuddle as much and they just aren't babies anymore...Im trying to make my peace with that...cause soon I dont think I'll have much choice but to embrace it!


Tisha said...

I always like a peek inside to see what's happening in other people's houses! Thanks for the little tour around yours. :)

Cassie said...

oh my.
you don't let them look at mine, do you?
i'm assuming jordan has blocked mine from them....

Andrea Dellit said...

So cute :)

Courtney said...

totally with you on all of the above...loving their relationships and how they are always changing...but missing my "babies"...