Monday, January 24, 2011

3 months

Without my permission someone went and turned 3 months old on Saturday!

Can 3 months have really passed so quickly?
Torrance is just too sweet and could truly stay this age forever and I think everyone in the house would be perfectly ok with it.
Jordan and I are continually asking each other - how did we get such a easy, sweet baby?

She is the best.
Here's what she's up to at 3 months:
smiling and laughing - ADORABLE!
lots of talking and cooing
eating her hands at all times
getting really good at finding her thumb
eating 5 ounces each feeding
sleeping from 8:30 or 9 at night until 6:30 or 7 am - YES!
then she goes back to sleep after a bottle until about 10. - YES!!
and naps in the afternoon nap for 3 hours - YES!!!!
She continues to catnap at other points of the day.
She will sit in one of our baby seats and stay pretty content but mostly likes to lay on the floor.
She thinks the Bumbo seat is pretty fun too.
HATES her car seat. Serious hatred. - UGH!
(This is especially not fun when you are in Walmart)
Completely given up the binkie - after 5 kids why does this surprise me?
rolls on to her side - I think she'll likely get all the way over before long


Jamie said...

What a little sweetheart! And, it seems she is the perfect eating and sleeping role model for Evan! I hope he follows suit!

yoderyears said...

So glad I finally got to hold her yesterday...before she gets any bigger.

What a cutie!

Andrea Dellit said...

So precious...

Rosanna and Isaiah said...

She was SO ADORABLE and SO sweet this week. I think I messed up her schedule entirely because I was having so much fun being entertained by her. I seriously let her skip one of her morning naps because she was just talking away at me and I couldn't put her down. I love this age :) And I love how Sully and Tess would drop anything they were doing and come help me take care of the baby. :)