Sunday, May 01, 2011

alive and well

I've had several friends contact me asking if we were ok...
cause I havent blogged in over a week.

I do believe that is some type of record for me.

Yes we are fine.

The kids are amazing and frustrating - you know, kids!
We are busy.
I'm having some computer annoyances and
there is just a lot of 'life' going on right now.
My motivation to blog is low.

Never fear, I'll be back.

Tomorrow is Torrance's 6 month well child exam so surely I'll blog about that.
And then my brother's wedding is coming so there are sure to be hundreds of pictures from that.

But I'll likely be on a bit of a hiatus from the blog world for the next few weeks at least on a regular basis...
try not to miss my wisdom and wit too much!

And I leave you with a picture of my heart.
Big sister 'Bo-bo' cuddling with Tess during movie night.
Love unprompted cuteness like it!

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