Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

I guess my blog hiatus is apparently still in action...
but I get complaints from grandma's and my husband if there
aren't at least some pictures to gaze at...

So...Mother's Day pictures.
Being a mom is what I was born to do.
I have no doubt.
But every year on Mother's Day I realize that I still have a long
ways to go to become the mother I thought I'd be and the mother that they deserve.

Its a big job.
And knowing how much I'm needed by them is humbling and overwhelming and thrilling.
So, so blessed.

And my boy.
He's a whole other story.
Mom's of boys...you get it.


Andrea Dellit said...

Your kids are so lucky to have you :) And once we have a family, I'm going to cruise back through your blog so I can heed your advice!!

Lisa Borglum said...

For some reason, I can't see any of the pictures from your last several posts but I could see one picture from your Mother's Day post and you look BEAUTIFUL!! What is your trick?!

Amy said...

"I still have a long ways to go to become the mother I thought I'd be and the mother that they deserve."

I love this. Those are some pretty lucky kids, in my opinion. :)