Thursday, May 26, 2011


We made it home about 4:30 tonight.
Just in time to literally run into the house with Lauren,
throw her softball uniform and some food at her and rush her out the
door with a friend to her first softball game.

The trip was nothing short of amazing and wonderful.
And now we are nothing short of completely exhausted and ready to be in our own beds!
I dont really care if I ever see the inside of a hotel or restaurant again!
Ok, that's a slight exaggeration but I wont complain about cooking on my own for awhile!

The kids did great.
I'd like to tell you that it was like this picture all the time.
Of course it wasn't.
But it was a blast and there are so many silly fun parts that took place in our hotels and out and about that I know I will never forget and I really don't think they will either.
We have great kids. And I have an amazing family.
So very blessed.

And we came home to a completely different baby!
Torrance stayed with Grandma Cindy and Rosanna and apparently they did not listen to me about making her stay little while we are gone.
She is INTO EVERYTHING. Refuses to sit still or cuddle, has a tooth and sits up perfectly!
But wow, she's also so fun and her squeals when she saw Sullivan made my evening so perfect.

And since family has been screaming at me to get pictures up from the
wedding I will get on that right away in the morning.

But for now, I must sleep!

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