Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Things that go bump in the night...

You know what is not a fun way to wake up at 2 am? Sullivan falling out of bed and smacking his face on the hard wood floor!

Yep, that was our night last night.
Never a dull moment around here.

The amount of blood was staggering.
His two front teeth were very wiggly and he had also cut his lip.

By the time we got to him he was actually trying to get back in bed but somehow ended up on his train table in his room completely disoriented...poor boy!

The amazing part was that after the initial shock he really did not have much pain and went right back to sleep. Not so much for his mother...
I have a sickness/phobia about teeth getting knocked out.

So Sully and I headed to the dentist today.
I was hopeful that they would tell us the teeth would 'firm' back up and we'd be sent on our way.

They did x-rays and said he actually broke one off at the root and basically the teeth were going to die. (thank goodness they are baby teeth!)
So out they had to come.

The laughing gas did not have the affect on Sully I had hoped for so the 2 shots of novocaine were pretty traumatic. But really, probably more for me than him.
I swear I about passed out.
Those shots they use look like torture devices.
And I was very emotional...really I should have had Jordan come along.

I was very proud of Sully.
He screamed out once but was really very brave and tough.
He surprised me and got much praise from everyone in the room.
Again, much tougher than me.

And now, he is proudly showing off what's missing in his mouth.
Robert, I hope you were wanting a toothless ring bearer!

Seriously, who falls out of bed and knocks out TWO TEETH?!

Only Sully.

We love you buddy.
And the tooth fairy will be paying out big for those beauties...


Trina said...

Sully and Aaron are twins :)

Choose Joy said...

He has a great smile with out the 2 front teeth. What a trooper!!!!

Courtney said...

oh, man. that is quite a story!

do you remember my joshua knocked his front 2 teeth out when he was 3? bike accident? when his teeth DID come in...when he was 6...he looked so "not him" to me! it took awhile to get used to! :-)

RtotheE said...

Wow. He looks soooo cool with his front teeth missing. I am glad that he isn't in any pain! I am also very glad (despite the coolness) that they were just baby teeth. Which raises the question: what happens when one of us full-grown people falls out of bed and knocks some teeth out? ... I think I am installing guardrails on my bed. Can't wait to immortalize this event through tons of wedding pictures!

Andrea Dellit said...

Holy smokes! I'll bet that was a jump out of bed moment. He looks pretty cute with those missing teeth!

Sarah Guild said...

oh the novicane needle... Not fun, not fun at all!!!!!