Monday, May 02, 2011

Tori's 6 month stats

I took Torrance to her 6 month well child appt. today.
It was a struggle.
From the second the nurse called her name and we walked back to the exam room she was in tears.
Sobbing. Hiccuping. Gasping. Clinging to me.
The nurse said, 'Well there is no way she remembers this...'
Um, yes there is.
And she did.

She hollered through the nurses exam, being weighed, measured ...
And finally calmed down a little when the dr. came in.
But still would start up and freak out.
Really, I have never seen anything like this out of any of our kids.
And Tori is SO laid back that it really shocked me.

But we made it through...
she continues to have some reflux issues but since she is growing
we were told to 'deal with it'.
She also has allergies...very red eyes, itchiness, excema - just like Sullivan.
So we are doing some allergy meds to see if it helps.
I am just praying we dont end up with asthma.

Other than that she is perfect.
She weighed 15 lb 14 ou and is 25 3/4 inches long. 50% for both.
(cutie on Easter Sunday)

The others at six months:
Lauren: WHERE is her baby book?!
Avery: 14lb 14 oz and 25 1/2 inches
Sully: 18 lbs and 27 3/4 inches
Tess: 15lb 14 oz and 25 3/4 inches (exactly the same as Tori!!)

1 comment:

D G Curren said...

Poor Baby! The Curren kids aren't big fans of drs. either. Sounds like she is doing well though and thriving.