Sunday, October 30, 2011


Jordan and I spent the weekend in Chicago with Jen and Robert.
We've been planning this for a couple of months and have been looking forward to it SO much!

My happy place...great view of my favorite city from our room.

Chicago style pizza at Geno's East.

Another happy place...with one of my brothers.

We laughed SO hard this weekend.

The view from the lounge at the top of the John Hancock building at about 11 pm.
Wait, that's Herbie Hancock...durrrh!

Jordan's happy place...cause this just doesn't happen in Iowa!

Love him.

And the newlyweds are just as cute as I remembered.

One of my favorite parts of the weekend...
After breakfast there was some commotion downtown and it turned out that some man had climbed a light pole and refused to come down.
Yep, a light pole. The fire and rescue had to be called in.
And yes, this was a favorite part for me because 'this just doesn't happen in Iowa'!


The boys got a big kick out of it!

The weekend was only regret was not getting a picture of the four of us together and that none of my other brothers and sisters could make it.

Next year guys...same city, same weekend!

1 comment:

Meghan said...

nope kids just climb trees on play dates in iowa. lol

looks like tons of fun! :)