Friday, October 21, 2011

So just had to laugh

Honestly, that was simply awful. Really no way to describe.

Seven people - all with the flu.

It was violent.

At one point all I could think of was the horrible puking scenes from Stand by Me and Bridesmaids...

Not cool.

Just when someone starts to think they are better...bam.

You know how high school kids take home those fake babies as an assignment to teach them that having kids isnt all fun and games and basically to scare them? Well scratch that...they should have just videotaped our house over the past 36 hours and showed them that. No one in their right mind would have kids after watching that! :)

Now it seems everyone is in various stages of recovery. Lauren actually went to school at noon. I dont know how...

Torrance is struggling the most right now. VERY lethargic and fussy. She took a nap on the couch with Jordan and I this afternoon and I'm not exaggerating when I say she hasn't done that since she was 3 months old...she only sleeps in her crib. Her birthday is tomorrow...we MUST be better.

The other 3 at home are starting to realize how hungry they are...they keep bringing things out of the fridge and cupboard to us and asking to eat...If I had it my way we'd be waiting till tomorrow to put anything into our bodies!

Here's to health!

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