Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Every family's got one...

She is such the baby of the family - such our family clown.
She loves to perform and have us all laugh at her.

We've got some feeling under the weather with colds and Tess has a fever.
So tonight we decided to have a movie night cuddled up on the couch before early bedtimes.

Torrance however, is feeling fine and was not in the mood for cuddling and quiet.

She was SO loud!
And wild!
And giggly!
And loving the spotlight as we all watched her from our big sectional.

Here she briefly paused and considered joining us.

Nah, this is way more fun!

Come on...you have to love me!

We did get to watch about 5 minutes of the movie in peace...
while she played with Daddy's Blackberry.

But Daddy had to put a stop to that fun.

We love you Torrance.
And we love the spunk you bring to our house!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I love all of her personality that shines through in these pictures. What a charmer! :)